Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in his speech called, “The Ethical Demands for Integration,” said:
Not only are all men alike (generically speaking), but man is by nature a societal creature. Aside from the strength and weakness found in Homo sapiens, man has been working from the beginning at the great adventure of “community.” …At the heart of all that civilization has meant and developed is “community”—the mutually cooperative and voluntary venture of man to assume a semblance of responsibility for his brother.
Based on this common sense un-derstanding of the human community the FPMA needs you to join us to make a positive difference in our community of Forest Park, GA.
Gaining new experiences and insight, giving back and helping others, and creating connections with people are just a few benefits of volunteering. If you would like to be a volunteer at any of our upcoming events, please email us.
We welcome all who are interested in promoting a stronger, healthier Forest Park and working on improving our community as a whole.
We depend on and welcome your donation of any size. Your contribution will be greatly appreciated by the many lives you will touch. All donations are tax-deductible under our 501(c)3 exempt status.